Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fat free and Light food labels~

I could get all technical with my posts, but I want to make them easy enough for the average person to understand.  I quickly wanted to share with you my input regarding food products that are supposivesly "fat free" and "light".

We are taught to look at labels, but the majority tend to just glance at the label and their eyes go right to the fat content label.  You may see 0 grams or 1 gram next to the FAT, but in hindsight, this isn't always good news.  Did you think to look at the calories, sodium, sugar, and cholesterol numbers? Most likely those numbers have increased significantly and the product is defeating it's purpose.  Remember, sodium retains water and sugar is FAT!   Sometimes the light or non fat item isn't always better than the "reugular" item.  I am not saying this is the case with every product, but be sure to check your labels.

40 grams of sugar is the recommended daily intake for a non diabetic person.  If you go look at some of your labels right now, I bet you will be shocked to see how many you actually consume in one day.

Now onto other business.....

I am going to confuse you even more than I already have regarding the meal and work out plans I will be providing for a monthly fee.  Over the past couple of days I have realized the insane amount of work that will have to go into this.  Basically, I will have to neglect the kids and make the desk chair and the keyboard a permanent spot for myself.  So, there is a new plan!  Instead of providing a meal plan for a charge, I am going to talk dietary habits here on the blog along with supplying you with recipies.  In addition, we will have the weekly healthy meal party which will give you an array of ideas.

I will be providing daily workouts though for a fee.  This will cost you only $5 a month and will be emailed to you personally.  I will have videos to show how exercises are done if you have never done any of this...The workout will only encompass about 30-45 minutes of your day and it can all be done from home.  .More to come..still working out the details.....

Sorry for the constant changes and babbling I have been doing in such a short period of time.  I just have so many ideas and I have to plot all of this out in the best possible way....

Although I normally wouldn't start a linky party this soon with a new blog, I am going to do it anyway for those who want to get started now towards a healthier lifestyle.  Wednesday link parties will be healthy meals/recipes and Friday's link parties will show your progress of weight loss over the weeks....Once we get the ball rolling, everyone should have great success if they are willing to committ.

Take care,


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